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Town of Groton, NY

Parking Tags/Plates for Mobility Compromised
Applications for hanging placards may be submitted by mail or in person to the Town Clerk's Office. License plates, the application goes to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The permit is issued to an individual who must be present when in use.
DO NOT drive with the tag hanging, as it could be considered a driving distraction. Place the tag on the mirror while parked.
Your permit allows you to park in designated areas, however it does not exempt you from parking regulations or meter fees. If the applicant is severely impaired in the upper extremity, a meter waiver may be issued as a separate application.
Report lost permits to the Clerk’s Office for a replacement.
A “permanent” parking permit (blue) is issued for a maximum of 5 years at a time. If your “permanent” permit is nearing its expiration date you can renew it at the Clerk’s Office without getting additional paperwork from your doctor.
A “temporary” parking permit (red) is issued for a maximum of 6 months. If you still need a permit after this time, you must get a new form filled out from your doctor.
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