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Notice of Public Hearing


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Groton will hold a Public Hearing as part of its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 13th at 8:00pm at the Town Hall, 101 Conger Boulevard, Groton, New York regarding the adoption of Proposed Local Law #4 for the Year 2024, “A Local Law to override the limit on the amount of real property taxes that may be levied by the Town of Groton, County of Tompkins pursuant to New York General Municipal Law §3-c, and to allow the Town of Groton to adopt a Town budget for (a) Town purposes and (b) any other special or improvement district governed by the Town Board for the Fiscal Year 2025, that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the "tax levy limit” as defined by the General Municipal Law §3-c”


Copies of the proposed law are available for review at the Town Clerk’s Office or through the Town website at Any resident of the Town of Groton is entitled to be heard upon said proposed Local Law at such Public Hearing. Submitted written comments to the Town Clerk regarding this local law, must be received by 3:00 PM on August 13th.


Robin Cargian, RMC

Groton Town Clerk


Ciudad de Grotón
101 bulevar del congrio.
apartado de correos 36
Groton, Nueva York 13073
607-898-5035 Fax 607-898-3086

Donald Scheffler, supervisor de la ciudad  607-898- 3212

Robin Cargian, secretario municipal  607-898-5035

Ellard Keister, superintendente de carreteras  607-898-3110

Kathy Barron, secretaria del tribunal municipal de Groton 607-898-3711


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