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Thank You Tag

When you license your dog...
You help support shelters everywhere!
Thank you

#1 - A part of your license fee goes towards the State of New York Spay/ Neuter Program decreasing the animal population allowing optimal space in shelters.

#2- Your license information is available to Country Acres. By having your license tag on your pet, a rescuer may reach the Town Clerk or Country Acres to notify you of a lost pet as soon as possible. 

Submit Application(s) for dogs within the Town & Village of Groton

at the Groton Town Clerk's Office






​ Purebred Breeders: Contact us about a purebred license.

Todos los perros mayores de 4 meses requieren una licencia.

Woman Hugging Dog

Lost pets, dog complaints, stray dogs,

nuisance dogs, sick or injured strays, dangerous dogs

Office Phone: 607-749-2734  

Emergency Phone: 607-345-3139

General Email -

Shelter Manager - Lindsay Andersen

Assistant Manager - Suzie Tracy


Regular Office Hours for Country Acres Pet Services

Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:30pm; Saturday by appointment

​Please consider adopting a pet from Country Acres

Dog Portrait

Dog Control in the Town &

Village of Groton

Provided by

Country Acres Pet Services

5852 West Scott Road, Homer, NY 13077


Foto de Sonya McCormick

Clínicas de rabia


Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para conocer la fecha, los horarios y los lugares de las clínicas programadas en:


Condado de Tompkins


Condado de Cortland


Visite el sitio web de Country Acres para ver listados adicionales


Página de información sobre la rabia



Ciudad de Grotón
101 bulevar del congrio.
apartado de correos 36
Groton, Nueva York 13073
607-898-5035 Fax 607-898-3086

Donald Scheffler, supervisor de la ciudad  607-898- 3212

Robin Cargian, secretario municipal  607-898-5035

Ellard Keister, superintendente de carreteras  607-898-3110

Kathy Barron, secretaria del tribunal municipal de Groton 607-898-3711


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