Town of Groton, NY

When you license your dog...
You help support shelters everywhere!
Thank you
A part of your license fee goes towards the State of New York Spay/ Neuter Program decreasing the animal population allowing optimal space in shelters.
Your license information is available to Country Acres. By having your license tag on your pet, a rescuer may reach the Town Clerk or Country Acres to notify you of a lost pet as soon as possible.
Lost pets, dog complaints, stray dogs,
nuisance dogs, sick or injured strays, dangerous dogs
Office Phone: 607-749-2734
Emergency Phone: 607-345-3139
General Email -
Shelter Manager - Lindsay Andersen
Assistant Manager - Suzie Tracy
Regular Office Hours for Country Acres Pet Services
Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:30pm; Saturday by appointment
​Please consider adopting a pet from Country Acres

Photo By Sonya McCormick
Rabies Clinics
Click on links below for date, times and places of scheduled clinics in:
Check Country Acres website for additional listings